Avi, Alex and Napolean

Alex's story

Napoleon's diary entry

Alex's news broadcast

Alex's 50 word story

Alex's Roman Artefact observations and deductions

Napoleon's Roman Artefact observations and deductions

Napoleon's Easter Egg box

Alex's Easter Egg box

Alex's tooth Video

Napoleon's video

Napoleon's poster

Alex's poster

Alex's storytelling

Napoleon's storytelling

Alex's silhouette painting

Alex's quest myth

Alex's Storytelling

Napoleon's landscape

Alex's introduction to his myth

Alex's letter to Mr McBean

Napoleon's Up dialogue

Alex's Up dialogue

Alex's Speech 
Napoleon's Speech

Avi's Christmas toy

Napoleon's book review

Avi's book review

Avi's reflections

Napoleon's reflections
Napoleons' character descriptions

Avi' character descriptions

Napoleon's Cruella description

Avi's thoughts

Avi's physical descriptions of different characters

Avi's spelling poster

The Elephant

Dull, slow legs shuffling

through the jungle

munching lettuce like a rubbish truck eating up trash

Colossal ears wagging about

Slowly stomping

Eating soft crunchy leaves

in the moving jungle


  1. Napoleon I really like how you challenged yourself at the reflection work.LO

  2. Avi I really like how you thought about writing sensible things not just writing random things to keep animals safe.LO

  3. Avi I really like the way you used powerful adjectives to describe characters ,with brilliant brilliant adjectives to describe a character. lr
